Articles, Blog

A Man for All Seasons

‘Be happy with those who are happy, and cry with those who are crying.’     Romans 12:15 April 1911 Kingsbury Street, Calne, Wiltshire The Rev. R. G. Wheeler, minister of Calne Free Church, knocked on the front door of the Tounson Almshouses, the heavy brass knocker sending vibrations along the terrace of eight, two-roomed… Read More A Man for All Seasons


Guilty M’lud

Dee visits Tetbury Police Museum. Read her Travel Trip ‘Cuffed in Glos’ in The Oldie


Timeshift Success

Dee reviews JB Priestley’s Dangerous Corner at Salisbury Playhouse


Writer’s Shed

Where to find inspiration All around you. A writer should always be on the look out for a story. You only have to keep your eyes, ears and mind open to all that is around you, to find something to inspire you – to set you off on a path of discovery through your writing.… Read More Writer’s Shed


Raising the Baa

Dee talks to shepherd and business mentor, Chris Farnsworth, for Wiltshire Magazine. It has just stopped raining and Chris Farnsworth is standing in the middle of a damp field in Bromham with his dog and a small flock of sheep. As he walks towards me I see that he is dressed in his trademark half-shepherd, half-businessman… Read More Raising the Baa