
Raising the Baa

Dee talks to shepherd and business mentor, Chris Farnsworth, for Wiltshire Magazine. It has just stopped raining and Chris Farnsworth is standing in the middle of a damp field in Bromham with his dog and a small flock of sheep. As he walks towards me I see that he is dressed in his trademark half-shepherd, half-businessman… Read More Raising the Baa


Wiltshire Connections

I picked up this postcard at an antiques fair because of the Wiltshire connection. The caption reads: Col: Cody & winning Biplane, Lark Hill.  I knew the name Cody from Buffalo Bill but was there a connection to the Wild West? Samuel Franklin Cody (1861-1913) aka ‘the Colonel’ was a showman and aeronautical designer who… Read More Wiltshire Connections


Helping the Homeless with Words

SASH – Working together to make a difference. Our approach to preventing youth homelessness is thanks entirely to our volunteer ‘hosts’. Very pleased to hear that I was shortlisted in the 2014 short story competition run by SASH – Safe and Sound Homes, the charity ‘preventing youth homelessness’. My entry will be published in their… Read More Helping the Homeless with Words


Oddest book on my shelf

From Etruscan bridgework and Phoenician false teeth and George Washington’s dental problems, to the identification in 1949, of one of the victims of Haigh, the Acid Bath Killer, by her false teeth which had resisted the action of the acid. Artist Gilbert Stuart, who did the original portrait of Washington on which the dollar bill… Read More Oddest book on my shelf