Blog, Short Stories


Pleased to receive news today from Imogen Robertson, Chair, of the Historical Writers’ Association that my entry to their annual Dorothy Dunnett Society short story competition has been longlisted, along with 24 other stories. My story – The Quill Pen Maker’s Apprentice is  set in Bath, 1804. .I have been here before,  a few years’ ago, with another story, so am not… Read More Longlisted


Four more good things

Four more good things in February TUDOR FASHION What a wonderful exhibition ‘The Tudors: Passion, Power & Politics’ at the Holburne Museum, Bath – on until 8 May, 2022. So lucky that this has come so close to home. ‘This focused exhibition, developed in partnership with the National Portrait Gallery and National Museums Liverpool, includes… Read More Four more good things



Introducing AuthorSHARE: the world’s first reuse royalty initiative for writers I’ve been a member of ALCS, Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society, for about ten years, and receive small payments for what are known as secondary rights or uses. ‘We make sure you receive the money you’re entitled to as a writer when someone copies or… Read More AuthorSHARE