
Don’t be short-sighted

Poetry is not dead. It’s difficult enough running an independent bookshop and competing with the likes of Amazon, Waterstones and the supermarket chains, but alienating customers and discouraging local talent from getting exposure is not wise. A careless remark or a lack of respect, for example, is remembered. A facebook comment, a tweet here and… Read More Don’t be short-sighted


Open wide, please

Yes, E- Day approaches. Extraction Day. It’s probably over thirty years since I had a tooth out, and that was to make room for other teeth in an over-crowded area, so taking out a rotten tooth counts as a new experience. No-one enjoys having a tooth out, but I do remember that it was done… Read More Open wide, please


2012: a year of Delius, September 11, Puritans, rain, topiary and barrage balloons

Sweet Music Marden House, Calne, 3 November 2012 Review of ‘Song of Life’s Joy’ a dramatic presentation on the life and work of Frederick Delius by David Stone The sound of sonatas, tone poems and operatic arias filled the hall at Marden House, Calne last Saturday night, competing with the whizz and bang of fireworks… Read More 2012: a year of Delius, September 11, Puritans, rain, topiary and barrage balloons